Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012
Jember Distrik
Jember formed by Staatsbland No. 322 dated August 9, 1928 and as a legal basis came into force on January 1, 1929. Dutch East Indies government had issued a regulation concerning the realignment of government decentralization in the province of East Java, among others, by pointing people Regenschap Djember as a stand-alone entity. Officially regulation issued by the Secretary of the General Government of the Dutch East Indies (De Aglemeene Secretary) GR Erdbrink, August 21, 1928.
Government Regenschap Jember originally divided into seven Regional District, on January 1, 1929 since the enactment of No Staatsbland. 46/1941 dated March 1, 1941 is broken down into 25 Regional Districts Onderdistrik, namely:
Jember District, covering onderdistrik Jember, Wirolegi, and Arjasa.
Kalisat District, covering onderdistrik Kalisat, Ledokombo, Sumberjambe, and Sukowono.
Rambipuji District, covering onderdistrik Rambipuji, Panti, Mangli, and Jenggawah.
Mayang District, covering onderdistrik Mayang, Silo, Mumbulsari, and Tempurejo.
Levee District includes onderdistrik Levees, Sumberbaru, and Bangsalsari.
Puger District, covering onderdistrik Puger, Kencong Gumukmas and Umbulsari.
Wuluhan District, covering onderdistrik Wuluhan, Ambulu, and Balung.
Under Law No.. 12/1950 on Regional Government of East Java, set the establishment of district areas within the province of East Java (by law), among others, is set to become the Regional Jember Jember.
On the basis of Government Regulation No. 14 of 1976 dated 19 April 1976, was formed by the arrangement of the City Jember new territories as follows:
Kacamatan Jember removed,
Formed three new districts, respectively Sumbersari, Patrang and Kaliwates.
Sub Wirolegi be Pakusari and District Sub District Mangli be Sukorambi.
Along with the establishment of Administrative City Jember, Jember Kewedanan region also shifted from Jember to Arjasa the working area covers Arjasa, Pakusari, and Sukowono previously entered Kalisat District. Given these changes, the next development, administrative Jember then divided into seven Regional Vice Regent, the City Administrative regions and 31 districts.
With the implementation of regional autonomy since January 1, 2001 as the demands of No 22/1999 on Regional Government, the Government has made arrangements Jember institutional and organizational structure, including the elimination of the institution that is now the Vice Regent Head Coordination Office. Furthermore, in running the government in the era of regional autonomy, the Government assisted four Jember Coordination Office Head, namely:
Coordination Office Head at Dike West Jember
Coordination Office Head South Jember Balung
Head Office for the Coordination of Central Jember Rambipuji
Coordination Office Head East Jember Kalisat
Jember have extensive 3293.34 km2 with altitudes between 0-3330 masl. Jember climate is tropical with a temperature range between 23oC - 32oC. The southern part of the area is low-lying Jember the outermost point is the Barong Island. In this area there Betiri Meru National Park, which borders the district administrative area Banyuwangi. Northwestern part (bordering Probolinggo are mountains, part of the Mountain Iyang, with Argopuro mountain peak (3088 m). Eastern part is part of the Ijen Plateau. Jember has several rivers including the River Bedadung sourced from the mountains Iyang middle, the Mayang River Mountains Roared persumber from the east, and the River Bondoyudo sourced from Semeru Mountains in the west.Administration
Coordination Sub: 4
Sub: 31
Hamlet: 201
Pillars of Residents: 4154
Neighborhood: 14 714
Environment: 902
Jember station is the largest station in the district, and is the center of Daops IX Jember regulating station from Pasuruan to Banyuwangi. In addition to other small stations in Dike, Rambipuji, and Kalisat. Jember is crossed by a railway line, which connects Jember with other cities on the island of Java, namely Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, Jombang, Surabaya, Probolinggo, Lumajang, and Fables. In Jember there are also smaller stations like Bangsalsari, Mangli, Arjasa, Kotok, Ledokombo, Sempolan, Garahan. The station is only used when the railroad crossing and was only used by the economic train Probowangi (Probolinggo-Banyuwangi) and train Pandanwangi (Jember - Banyuwangi). The railway Kalisat-Situbondo now no longer operating.
Terminal Bus "Tawang Alun" is the main terminal which serves the Surabaya - Jember - Banyuwangi (via Embankment), Surabaya - Jember - Banyuwangi (via Kencong - Balung and or Ambulu) also came Lumajang city. The terminal also serves the Bus Patas (fast limited) Jember - Yogyakarta, Jember - Surabaya, Jember - Malang and Jember - Denpasar. To track Jember - Bondowoso - Situbondo served by Bus "Arjasa" located in District Arjasa. More recently, in the district of Jember Ambulu located in the southern part also built Terminal, which provides a pathway-Jombang Ambulu-Lumajang-Pasuruan-Surabaya and Malang. There are also small terminals are connected by shuttles between the city (Lyn) as Terminal Ajung, Pakusari Terminal and Terminal Embankment. Buses can be found in the city of Jember that connects Tawang Alun Terminal - Terminal Arjasa (Route Code "A" and "B") and Tawang Alun Terminal - Terminal Pakusari (Route Code "D" and "E"). Services with a taximeter cab also mostly found in the City.
Notohadinegoro Airport is a local airport that is open to the public. This airport serves flights Jember - Surabaya PP
The majority of the population consists of Jember Javanese and Madurese tribe and mostly Muslim. In addition there is a Chinese citizen and Tribal Osing. Jember average population is immigrant communities, the dominant tribe in Jember Madurese living in the northern and Javanese living in the southern and coastal areas. Javanese and Madurese are used in many places, so common for people in Jember bilingual region and also the interplay raises some typical expressions of culture Jember.Percampuran both Java and Madura in Jember gave birth to a new culture called Pendalungan culture. Community Pendalungan in Jember has unique characteristics as a result of the penetration of both cultures. Art Can Macanan Kaduk is the result Pendalungan public culture that still survive to this day in the district of Jember. Jember has a population of 2,329,929 inhabitants (JDA, BPS 2011) with an average density of 707.47 jiwa/km2.Economy
With most of the population still worked as farmers, many supported Jember economy of the agricultural sector. In Jember there are many area plantations, mostly of Dutch heritage. Plantations are managed by the National Company PTP Nusantara, Tarutama Nusantara (TTN), and the Company is PDP region (Regional Plantation Companies). Jember known as one of the major tobacco producing areas in Indonesia. Jember tobacco is tobacco that is used as an outer layer / skin crutu. Jember tobacco world market is very well known in Brehmen, Germany and the Netherlands.Education
Jember city has universities Jember University, STAIN Jember, and California State Jember. In addition there are several private universities, the University of Muhammadiyah Jember, Jember Islamic University, University of Moch. Seroedji, STIE Kosgoro, IKIP PGRI Jember, and the School of Economics (STIE) Mandala Jember, and many other colleges. PPKIA (Center for American Education Computer Indonesia) one non-school education institutions, there are also PIKMI (Center of Education Programs One Year), computer-based, (Magistra MAIN).Assorted
Football clubs Jember Persid (Tiger Army Sangar) Notohadinegoro Stadium and supporters Persidmania
Typical food or souvenirs typical suwar-tape and shredded.
Besides being known as the horseshoe area, also known as Jember 1000 dune or hill areas because it has at least 1666 hills spread across the region Jember.
Starting in August 2007, Jember have an annual program called Moon Been to Jember.
There is also Jember Fashion Carnaval, sort of like a fashion carnival in Rio de Janeiro Brazil.
Public figures in the field of art is partly: Tattoo (Music Group), Alm. Andy Liany (Musician), Goddess Peaches (pesinetron and singer), George Rudy (Actor), Anang Hermansyah (Musician), Opick (Musician), Jack Lesmana (Musician), and Sujiwo Tejo (Cultural), Pak Raden aka Drs. Suyadi (creator of the doll Si Unyil).
Public figures in the field of Sports, among others: Muljadi (Badminton).
Other figures: Soetjipto Joedodihardjo (Police Period May 9, 1965 - May 8, 1968), Drs. Badrodin Haiti (East Java police chief from August 20, 2010 till March 2011), David Wijnveldt (Dutch amateur football players).
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