Bondowoso District, is a district in East Java province, Indonesia. The capital is Bondowoso. The district borders the north Situbondo, Banyuwangi regency in the eastern, southern Jember and Probolinggo district in the west. Bondowoso district capital was crossing the path of Besuki and Situbondo towards Jember.Geography
Bondowoso District can be divided into three regions: the west are mountains (part of the Mountain Iyang), form the center of the plateau and bumpy, while the eastern part of the mountains (part of the Ijen Plateau). Bondowoso is the only district in the area Poultice Horse with no coastline.Layout and Positioning
Bondowoso regency is one of regencies in East Java province, located in the east of the island of Java. Known as the horseshoe area. The capital is Bondowoso. Bondowoso regency has an area of 1560.10 km2 is geographically located at coordinates between 113 ° 48'10 "- 113 ° 48'26" E and 7 ° 50'10 "- 7 ° 56'41" latitude.
Bondowoso regency has a mild temperature range 0C 15.40 - 25.10 0C, being in the mountains of North Kendeng with Raung peak, Mount Ijen and so in the mountains east and the feet to the summit of Mount Argopuro Hyang, Mount Krincing and Gloss Mountains to the west. While to the north are Mount Alas Citronella, Biser Mountain and Mount Bendusa.
Location of Bondowoso district is not in the strategic region. Despite being in the middle, but was not passed Bondowoso regency country road that connects between provinces. Bondowoso also did not have an ocean. This causes Bondowoso difficult to grow compared to other districts in East Java.Boundaries
Geographically, Bondowoso district has boundaries as follows:
Northside: Situbondo
East: Situbondo and Banyuwangi,
South: Jember,
West: Situbondo and Probolinggo.
HistoryResidence resident Bondowoso in 1927-1929
During the government regent Ronggo Kiai Suroadikusumo in Besuki progress with the functioning of the Port Besuki that could attract outside merchants. With the increasing density of population necessary to the development of the region by opening the forest to the southeast. Kiai Patih Alus suggested that Mas Astrotruno, Ronggo Suroadikusumo Regents adopted son, a man who received the task to open forest. proposal was received by Kiai Ronggo-Besuki, and Mas Astrotruno also can carry the task. Then Kiai Ronggo Suroadikusumo Mas Astotruno first marriage with the daughter of the Regent Roro Sadiyah Probolinggo Joyolelono. Mas-law award Astrotruno white buffalo "Jasmine" the cranky (downward curving horns) to be used as a traveling companion and guide to find fertile areas.
Development of this area began in 1789, other than for political purposes as well as an effort to spread Islam given in sekitas designated areas people still worship idols. Mas Astrotruno assisted by Puspo Driyo, Jatirto, Wirotruno, and Teak Truno leave his duties towards the south, through the mountains around Arak-arak "Road Nyi Melas". Group barged into the east to the hamlet Wringin through the gate called "Lawang Seketeng". The names of the villages through which Astrotruno Mas group, yaiitu Wringin, Kupang, Poler and Madiro, then headed south to the village Kademangan pondol build resort in southwest Kademangan (estimated at Village Nangkaan now.
Other villages which are to the north is Glingseran, Tamben and Ledok Bidara. West next Selokambang there, Selolembu. east is Tenggarang, Pekalangan, Wonosari, Jurangjero, Tapen, Praje, right and Wonoboyo. South there Sentong, Bunder, Biting, Patrang, Westernized, Jember, Rambi, Puger, Sabrang, Menampu, Kencong, heights. Population at the time was five hundred people, while each village inhabited, two, three, four. then the ruler's residence was built south of the river Blindungan, in the west of the gravestones and the north river Growongan (Nangkaan) known as the "Old District" Blindungan, situated ± 400 meters to the north of the square.
The work paves the way ran from 1789-1794. To establish territory, Mas Astrotruno appointed in 1808 with a degree Abhiseka demang Mas Ngabehi Astrotruno, and the title is "Demat Blindungan". Kotapun development designed, the residence of the ruler facing south to the north of the square. Where the square was originally a field to maintain white buffalo Mas Astrotruno favorite, because there grow fodder grass. field over time to get a new function as the town square. While the mosque was built on the west facing east. Mas Astrotruno held a variety show, among other complaints quail (gemek), cockfighting, kerapan cows, and cows to entertain complaints of the workers. spectacle complaints cows held periodically and be a spectacle in East Java until 1998. For his services then Astrotruno Nayaka concurrently appointed as District Attorney.
Of Extended Family ties "Ki Ronggo Bondowoso" obtained information that in 1809 Raden Mas Good Asrah or Ngabehi Astrotruno dianggkat As with governor stands alone (zelfstanding) as Abhiseka Mas Ngabehi Kertonegoro. He is regarded as the inventor (founder) as well as government authorities first (first ruler) in Bondowoso. The residence which was originally named Ki Kertonegoro Blindungan, with the development of the town was renamed to Bondowoso, as Wasa Wana change words. Its meaning is then associated with the words Bondo, which means capital stock, and woso which means power. meaning entirely so: the land (the city) is solely due to capital willpower task (ruler) given to Astrotruno to clear the forest and build a city.
Although the Netherlands has been entrenched in Puger and administrtatif Bondowoso enter into formal juridical realm, but in reality the appointment of diocesan personnel are authorized Ronggo Besuki, then no one has the right to claim the birth of a new city in addition to Mas Ngabehi Kertonegoro Bondowoso. This is corroborated by granting permission to Him to continue to work clearing the forest to the end of Sri Regents in Besuki.
In 1819, the Regent Duke of Besuki Raden Ario Kademangan Prawiroadiningrat improve their status of being separated from the Besuki region with Keranggan status Bondowoso and raised Mas Ngabehi Astrotruno become ruler of the title of Mas Ngabehi Kertonegoro, as well as the predicate Ronngo I. It takes place on Tuesday Kliwon, 25 Shawwal 1234 H or 17 August 1819. The incident was made into formal existence Bondowoso as an independent territory under the authority of power Kiai Ronggo Bondowoso. Kiai power Ronggo Bondowoso covering Bondowoso and Jember, and lasted between 1829-1830.
Kiai Ronggo In 1830 I resigned and handed power to his second son named Djoko Sridin who at that time served Patih in Probolinggo. The new position rests between 1830-1858 with an M Ng Kertokusumo with honors Ronggo II, based in Blindungan now or the S Yudodiharjo (road Ki Ronggo) known to the public as "the old district." After retiring, I Ronggo pursue the field of religious outreach Islam and lives in Garden Dalem Kuripan Dike (Dike, Jember), Ronggo I died at 19 in 1271 Rabi'ulawal H atai December 11, 1854 at the age of 110 years. his body was interred disebuah hill (Asta Tinggi) Sekarputih village. Bondowoso Society called it "Tomb Ki Ronggo".