Blitar is one of the districts in East Java province, Indonesia. The county seat is located in the City Kanigoro after a region with Blitar
The state land
Kelud (1731 m. Asl.) Is one of the strato volcano is still active on the island of Java, which is located in the northern part of this district directly adjacent to the Kediri regency. The southern part Blitar separated by the Brantas River is known as a producer of kaolin and crossed by the Southern Limestone Mountains. The beach is famous among other things Tambakrejo Beach, Attack and Jalasutra.
Blitar, both the town and district, located at the foot of Mount Kelud, East Java. The area is always exposed lava Blitar Kelud which has erupted dozens of times since the year 1331. The layers of volcanic soil found in Blitar essentially the result of freezing Kelud lava that has erupted regularly since many years ago.
Land in the state, mostly in the form of land Blitar volcanic ash containing volcanic eruptions, sand and marl (limestone mixed with clay). The land is generally yellowish gray, is acidic, friable and susceptible to erosion. Such soil is called regosol that can be used to grow rice, sugar cane, tobacco and vegetables. In addition to the green rice fields that now dominate the landscape in the area Blitar, also planted tobacco plants in this area. This tobacco was planted since the Dutch managed to control the area around the 17th century. Even the economic progress Blitar been determined by the success or failure of the production of tobacco.
Brantas River, which flows from east to west divide Blitar into two, namely the north and south. The southern part Blitar (often called South Blitar) mostly grumusol soil type. Such soil is only productive when used for planting cassava, corn and teak.Brantas River
Brantas River is the second longest river in East Java after the Bengawan Solo (mostly flows in Central Java). The river plays an important role in the political and social history of East Java province. Rivers that disgorge this Arjuno helped bring major elements of alluvial plateau in Malang which is acidic salt resulting elements useful for soil fertility.
In Blitar, Brantas River water flow were the main elements causing additional lowland alluvial crossed the Brantas River, as Tulungagung and Kediri, Blitar subur.Di owned land also currently has two reservoirs / dams namely Wlingi Kingdom and Selorejo.HistoryOrigin of name
Blitar name is believed to come from the phrase bali dadi background (so back page). The word shouted by King Mahesa Sura while dying in a well of its own as a dowry for the Goddess Kilaswara.The kingdom
Three fertile regions, namely Malang, Kediri and Mojokerto, as if "created" by the Brantas River as the center position of the government, according to the theory of natural seats of power triggered by experts geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder, in 1919. The theory is true because the major kingdoms established in East Java, such as the Kingdom of Kediri and Majapahit kingdom Singosari, all capital is near the Brantas River basin.
If current Kediri and Malang can be achieved through three main roads, through Kirkcaldy, Ngantang, or Blitar, it is not the case with the past. Once people just want to use the path through Blitar Mojosari or if you want to travel to Kediri or Malang. This is because at that time, the path passes Ngantang still too dangerous to be taken, as has been suggested by JKJ de Jonge and ML van de Venter in 1909.
Northern path across Kirkcaldy actually when it is still considering the difficult traverse wetlands around the mouth of the River Porong. In that, the Warriors Jayakatwang that has been painstakingly pursuing Raden Wijaya in 1292 failed to arrest him because the terrain is too difficult. Hence, the path crosses the Blitar preferred because it is easier and safer to be taken, supported by its natural state is quite flat.
In the ancient (but still survive today), Blitar region is an area of the track between Dhoho (Kediri) with Tumapel (Malang) is the fastest and easy. This is where the role held Blitar, which is the area that controls the transport between the two regions competing (and Jenggala Panjalu and Dhoho and Singosari). The number of inscriptions found in this area (approximately 21 inscriptions) can be attributed to this reason.Book Negarakertagama
Argument that Blitar a border area between the Tumapel Dhoho can be inferred from one of the stories in the book Negarakertagama Prapanca master works. Mentioned in the book that King Airlangga ask the professor Bharada Kediri kingdom to split into two, namely Panjalu and Jenggala. Menyanggupinya Bharada masters and execute the decree by pouring jugs of water from a height. [3] The water is said to turn into a river that separates the Kingdom and the Kingdom of Jenggala Panjalu. The location and name of the river is not known with certainty until now, but some historians found these rivers is the River Lekso (Lekso community call time). The opinion is based on the etymological basis of the name of the river that is mentioned in the Book of Pararaton.Book Pararaton
Told in the Book Pararaton that Daha army led by King Jayakatwang intend to attack troops Singosari kingdom led by King Kertanegara via the northern route (Kirkcaldy). As for moving through the southern path mentioned in the Book Pararaton the sentence was so Aksa anuju edge in Lawor ... anjugjugring Singosari linings meaning from the edge towards Lawor Aksa ... directly to Singosari. [4] The name or words that appear in the sentence Aksa is expected to be a short little time Aksa which eventually changed its name to Lekso time. This opinion is strengthened by the map made 17th century (redrawn by De Jonge) who said that ... to the east of this river (River Lekso) is the area of Malang and to the west is the Blitar region. [5]Temple
Because of its strategic location, Blitar important for religious activities, especially Hindus, in the past. More than 12 temples scattered throughout Blitar. The most famous temple in this area is a temple located in the village Upgrading Upgrading, District Nglegok. According to history, this temple is the temple Upgrading the first or main temple of the kingdom. Construction of the temple started when King Kertajaya Upgrading dedicate sira sima to adore the majesty bhatara Palah framed in Saka 1119 (1197 AD).
Upgrading name is most likely not the name of the temple, but the name of its status as the main temple of the kingdom. Temples such center in Bali also called upgrading, for example Pura Panataransasih. According to one expert, said natar means the center, so the temple Penataran here can be interpreted as the center of the temple. To learn more, please see pages Upgrading temple.
Upgrading to the east of the temple, a few years ago have been found in the temple by the local community Doko made attractions.Anniversary
One of the most important historical source is the inscription because it is a written document that original and guaranteed accurate. [6] The inscription can be interpreted as a form of poetry writing in the form of praise. [7]
Six centuries ago, precisely in 1283 Saka or Waisaka year 1361 AD, the King of Majapahit named Hayam Wuruk and his companions took time to stop in Blitar to hold a worship ceremony in the temple Upgrading. Group is not only a drop in the temple upgrading, but also to other places that are considered sacred, ie Sawentar (Lwangwentar) in Kanigoro, jimbe, Lodoyo, Scallop (Sumberjati) in Kademangan and Mleri (Weleri) in Srengat.
Hayam Wuruk not once stopped in Blitar. In the year 1357 AD (1279 Saka) Hayam Wuruk revisited Blitar for reviewing the south coast and stay for a few days in Lodoyo. [8] It reflects the importance of Blitar region at the time, so Hayam Wuruk would not hesitate to do twice special visits with different objectives to this area.
In 1316 and 1317 the Majapahit Empire messy due to a rebellion led by Kuti and Sengkuni. Conditions were forced King Jayanegara to escape to the village Bedander under guard forces under the command of Gajah Mada Bhayangkara. Due to ploy Gajah Mada, Jayanegara made it back safely to the throne. The Kuti and Sengkuni successfully arrested and later sentenced to death. [9] Because the warm welcome and given strict protection Bedander villagers, then Jayanegara inscriptions also give gifts to the residents of the village. No doubt that the provision of this inscription is an important event because it makes Blitar the autonomous region under the auspices of the Majapahit Kingdom. This historic event took place on Sunday Pahing months Srawana Saka year 1246 or August 5, 1324 AD, according to the date indicated in the inscription. Date that ultimately celebrated as the anniversary of Blitar annually.